This project required close coordination with the City of La Quinta and Caltrans Local Assistance to provide a diverse suite of technical guidance for the proposed bridge improvement project, which will span the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel at Adams Street in the City of La Quinta. The bridge design and construction replaced the existing four lane low water crossing, thus enabling the City to provide a more reliable arterial roadway during inclement weather for both the general public, school traffic and emergency personnel. The new bridge crossing is 440 feet long and 76 feet wide and was constructed within the existing roadway right-of-way. The roadway section included a six-foot sidewalk on both sides of the bridge, a twelve foot raised curb median island, and four travel lanes. In addition, the project provided for a multi-use recreational trail undercrossing of the bridge at the southern abutment for the future CV Link system. As a grantee of FHWA’s Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR) Program, the City of La Quinta addressed both NEPA and CEQA regulatory requirements and environmental clearances.
This $8.5 million project will provide a reliable four lane roadway north of Highway 111 to Blackhawk Way. The project began construction in the summer of 2010 and was completed in 2013.